Thursday, 22 September 2016

Pictures of the terms happenings

 Term 3 was a busy term! We had our MPS Olympics, class ski trips, Pet Day, tennis lessons, cricket and Book Character to name a few events!

MPS Olympics Day

Lexi as Nicky from Thea Sisters. Runner up of Team 3 dress up
Holly as Paddington Bear. Winner of the team 3 dress up

Tennis lessons

Toy Day

For our connections topic students had to bring along their favourite toy to share with other students. They had to share why their toy was special and if it had any cultural significance to any country.

Sunday, 1 May 2016

ANZAC Writing

We also did some amazing writing.  We took the perspective of a soldier, a wife at home, a child at home, even a nurse and wrote a letter to someone.  The heartfelt feelings and emotions really shone through.

My Dear Wee Daughter, Rosie,
How are you?  I hope you are fine.  I hate to tell you that I got shot in the leg and the doctor said that he might have to amputate it.  He will let me know soon.  A few days ago my friend got shot as he was on the front line.
Are you ready for the good news?  I am coming home for Christmas!  I can't wait to see you.
I have to go now, it's time for dinner.  I hope you are having lots of fun.
Sincerely, Your Dad
PS:  Only 3 weeks until Christmas
(written by Jordan)

Beloved Mother,
I miss you with all my heart.  I hope you are alright back at home.  The reason I am writing to you now is because brother is in the hospital.  He had a terrible accident and isn't expected to live.  I am hoping to come home to you soon.  I love you to the moon and back.
Love your dearest daughter, Jenny
(written by: Dara)

Dear Uncle Jodey,
I hope everything is going well at war.  I hope you aren't hurt.  The dog is really missing you.  Mum is really worried about you.  All she wants to know is that you are ok.  Everything is going well on the farm.  The paddocks are green, the animals are healthy as I hope you are.   I love you heaps.
Love from your niece, Lucie
(written by:  Lucie)

Dear Mum and Dad,
I've just gotten off the boat and we are getting everyone of safely.  We have started making the trenches.  First off I will be in the front line.  I will be using the rifle they gave me.  I'll be ok.  Hey, happy birthday, Mum.  You're 40 this year!  I love you lots and lots.  I'll send a message to you as soon as I can.
Love your fearless child, Liam
(written by:  Liam)

Dear Mum and Dad,
I miss you a lot!  Yesterday I finally got to sleep but today I am on the look out as the other soldiers sleep.  I am very hungry and also have a black foot from the poor trench conditions.  I feel sick but have to deal with it.  I fell off my horse.  Unfortunately he got shot, but lucky I didn't.  I am now in the trenches.  The rats are quite annoying.  I have helped the injured people in my group.  I will write again soon.  Missing you and love you.
Your Daughter, Sarah
(written by:  Sarah)

My Dearest Nana and Pop,
We have just landed in Gallipoli.  The weather is cold and stormy, just like how I feel every day without you.  I have lost some of my friends.  It is very sad.  I can't wait to see you.  They say I will be home in 3 weeks.  How is mum?  Tell her I love her.  I love you too.
Sincerely, Your Granddaughter
(written by:  Estella)

ANZAC Day Activities

The last week of term we celebrated ANZAC with a cooperative learning week.  From history lessons to art projects we learned a lot about the veterans and what they did for our country.  We did dioramas with our cooperative groups to simulate a scene at Gallipoli. 

Cooperative Activities

Team 3 children have had a great time doing cooperative group challenges on Fridays in Term 1.  Using different materials such as spaghetti, marshmallows, tin foil, straws... we have had to make the strongest, the biggest structures. We have had many laughs, frustrations, and excitement. 

Monday, 11 April 2016

ANZAC - Wreath

Wreath Making.

Last week we made poppies to add to the MPS wreath that will be part of the Methven ANZAC Parade.  We are going to be learning about why the poppy is used throughout the world as a symbol.

Here is a picture of us working hard making the poppies and our finished product.


This week Team 3 is learning about ANZAC and why we celebrate it.  We have been doing some writing, maths, art and learning all about World Wars and life as a soldier.

Below is some writing we did in one of our workshops.  We used our senses to explain what we think being at war would be like.


I hear the guns going bang, pow, crash!

I see the four trenches 1, 2, 3, 4 - muddy!

I feel cold people snuggling together to keep warm.

I taste the ANZAC biscuits - 'yummy!'

I smell the smoke or the exploding bombs - BANG!

By Blake

I hear horses stomping and neighing in fear above me.

I see disgusting smelly rats scuttling around on the ground of the trenches.

I taste smoke in my dry mouth while I breathe, trying to get to sleep.

I feel blood hopelessly dripping off my face.

I smell  human flesh rotting beneath the soggy, muddy ground in the trenches while I lie on in.

By Dara

I hear men crying their heart out with such little life left.

I see my friends dead bodies laying there in dead mans' lane.

I feel the cold breeze brushing against me, it starts goose bumps on my arms.

I taste nothing, my mouth is dry like a desert.

I smell rotten flesh on my toes, from trench foot.

By Lucie

I hear people crying for what little life they had.

I see dead bodies in the middle of dead mans' lane.

I feel coldness cling against me when I shoot the enemy.

I taste smoke breezing into my mouth from bombs going off.

I smell rats rotten bodies as they lay in the mud.

By Estella

I hear dogs barking as loud as a fire alarm.

I see poppies growing bright red as the war continues.

I feel blood pouring down my arm like a tap of water.

I taste the bombs like a cloud of dirt.

I smell dry, muddly, squelching, wet mud.

By Lexi

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Cooperative Activities

On Fridays, Team 3's classes come together and get into our mixed cooperative groups.  Mrs Wiedel, Mrs Hooker and Miss Ish give us a task to work on and complete as a group.   

This involves us learning to take roles within a group, showing our STAR attributes of;
  • Sporting - encouraging others in my group to persevere
  • Trustworthy - to be doing the right thing and staying on task 
  • Accepting - listening to others ideas
  • Responsible - working as part of the group, offering ideas

Some of our activities have included;
  • building a 6X6X6 boat out of tinfoil and 5 straws that would float and hold the most marbles without sinking.
  • building a catapult out of pencils and rubber bands,
  • building a bridge out of paper that could hold at least 3 matchbox cars ,
  • making the tallest structure we could  using only marsh-mellows and spaghetti pasta.

Here are a few photos us working on our tasks.